Oscietra Caviar 奧西特拉鱘魚子醬
Oscietra Caviar 奧西特拉鱘魚子醬
它源於生命力旺盛的奧西特拉鱘(Oscietra Sturgeon),一種起源於億萬年前白堊紀的古老魚類。奧西特拉鱘,體型相對較小,僅重達八十到兩百磅,並在12到14年內成熟,其魚卵呈灰棕色,帶有獨特的黑金色光澤。
- 30g, 贈送貝殼小勺
- 請注意魚子醬盡量避免和金屬的勺子或容器接觸
關於Oscietra Caviar 奧西特拉鱘魚子醬
Oscietra Caviar 奧西特拉鱘魚子醬
Chilled Products: "Chilled" indicates that your product will arrive not alive but fresh, with its temperature meticulously maintained between 0℃-2℃. We do not freeze products that are labeled as "chilled," ensuring they retain their optimal freshness and quality.
重量與數量: 30g, in a jar with shell spoon
成分: Sturgeon roe, Salt, E285.
過敏: Fish(Sturgeon roe)
儲存指南: Chilled Products: Keep refrigerated <3°C. Store at the bottom of the refrigerator and consume before the best before date on the package. Suitable for home freezing for chilled products.
產品來源: Greece