Live Cherrystone Clam 活樱桃貝
Live Cherrystone Clam 活樱桃貝
櫻桃石蛤蜊,又稱為Cherrystone Clam,其名字“櫻桃石”來源於其特有的圓潤、紮實的外殼,這使得它在蛤蜊家族中顯得尤為突出。這種蛤蜊的肉質細膩而飽滿,入口即化,帶有大海的鹹香和自然的甜味。
- 1千克裝
- 每顆櫻桃石蛤蜊都是可觀的大小
- 送達包活,請注意僅活櫻桃石蛤蜊可供食用

關於Live Cherrystone Clam 活樱桃貝
Live Cherrystone Clam 活樱桃貝
Live Products: "Live" signifies that your product will be delivered alive. To guarantee the finest taste and ensure it meets sashimi-grade standards, we employ advanced technology to maintain the product's vitality upon delivery. If you receive the product and it's no longer alive, please immediately contact our customer service. You can email us at or use the chat box in the right bottom corner of our website.
重量與數量: 1kg
成分: Cherrystone Clam
過敏: Crustacean
儲存指南: Live Products: Keep refrigerated between 0°C and 3°C to maintain freshness and prevent bacterial growth. Store at the bottom of the refrigerator and consume on the day you receive the parcel, as live seafood is highly perishable and its quality degrades quickly due to enzymatic activity. Freezing live products is not recommended, as it can compromise their texture and flavor.
產品來源: UK